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Pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali peer-rewieved

  • Fassio A., Merlo D., Mapelli J., Menegon A., Corradi A., Mete M., Zappettini S., Bonanno G., Valtorta F., D’Angelo E., Benfenati F.: The synapsin domain E accelerates the exoendocytotic cycle of synaptic vesicles in cerebellar Purkinje cells. J Cell Sci. 2006 Oct 15;119(Pt 20):4257-68.
  • Papadia M., Sofianos C., Iester M., Bricola G., Mete M., Traverso C.E.: Corneal thickness and visual field damage in glaucoma patients. Eye(Lond).2007 Jul;21(7):943-7.
  • Bricola G., Scotto R., Mete M., Cerruti S., Traverso C.E. A 14-year follow-up of photorefractive keratectomy. J Refract Surg. 2009 Jun;25(6):545-52.
  • Iester M., Mete M., Figus M., Frezzotti P. Incorporating corneal pachymetry into the management of glaucoma. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2009 Sep;35(9):1623-8.
  • Mete M., Parolini B., Maggio E., Pertile G. 1000 cSt silicone oil vs heavy silicone oil as intraocular tamponade in retinal detachment associated to myopic macular hole. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2011 Jun;249(6):821-6.
  • Ghezzi D., Antognazza M.R., Maccarone R., Bellani S., Lanzarini E., Martino N., Mete M., Pertile G., Bisti S., Lanzani G., Benfenati F. A polymer optoelectronic interface restores light sensitivity in blind rat retinas. Nature Photonics 7, 400–406 (2013).
  • Parolini B., Frisina R., Pinakatt S.J., Mete M. A New L-Shaped Design of Macular Buckle to Support a Posterior Staphyloma in High Myopia. Retina 2013 Ago; 33 (7): 1466-70.
  • Adelman RA, Parnes AJ, Ducournau D; European Vitreo-Retinal Society (EVRS) Retinal Detachment Study Group.  Strategy for the management of uncomplicated retinal detachments: the European vitreo-retinal society retinal detachment study report 1.  Ophthalmology. 2013 Sep;120(9):1804-8.
  • Adelman RA, Parnes AJ, Ducournau D; European Vitreo-Retinal Society (EVRS) Retinal Detachment Study Group. Strategy for the management of complex retinal detachments: the European vitreo-retinal society retinal detachment study report 2. Ophthalmology. 2013 Sep;120(9):1809-13.
  • Adelman RA, Parnes AJ, Michalewska Z, Ducournau D; European Vitreo-Retinal Society (EVRS) Retinal Detachment Study Group.  Clinical variables associated with failure of retinal detachment repair: the European vitreo-retinal society retinal detachment study report number 4. Ophthalmology. 2014 Sep;121(9):1715-9.
  • Benfenati, F., Ghezzi, D., Antognazza, M. R., Feyen, P., Endeman, D., Martino, N., Mete, M. Polymeric neurointerfaces for modulation of neural activity: toward a bio-organic artificial retina. In JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 2014 Ago; 53: S18-S18.
  • Di Paolo M., Ghezzi D., Antognazza MR., Mete M., Freddi G., Donelli I., Maccarone R., Pertile G., Lanzani G., Benfenati F., Bisti S. Inflammatory and morphological characterisation of a foreign body retinal response. European Journal of Neurodegenerative Dieeases 2015 (4), No.1-2, 23-28.
  • Antognazza MR., Di Paolo M., Ghezzi D.,  Mete M., Di Marco S., Maya-Vetencourt JF., Maccarone R., Desii A., Di Fonzo F., Bramini M., Russo A., Laudato L., Donelli I., Cilli M., Freddi G., Pertile G., Lanzani G., Benfenati F.  Characterization of a Polymer‐Based, Fully Organic Prosthesis for Implantation into the Subretinal Space of the Rat. Advanced Healtcare Material 2016 (5), 17: 2271-82.
  • Mete M, Alfano A, Guerriero M, Prigione G, Sartore M, Polito A, Pertile G.. 2017  Inverted Internal Limiting Membrane Flap Technique Versus Complete Internal Limiting Membrane Removal In Myopic Macular Hole Surgery: A Comparative Study. Retina Jan 6.
  • Maya-Vetencourt JF, Ghezzi D, Antognazza MR, Colombo E, Mete M, Feyen P, Desii A, Buschiazzo A, Di Paolo M, Di Marco S, Ticconi F, Emionite L, Shmal D, Marini C, Donelli I, Freddi G, Maccarone R, Bisti S, Sambuceti G, Pertile G, Lanzani G, Benfenati F. A fully organic retinal prosthesis restores vision in a rat model of degenerative blindness. Nat Mater. 2017 Jun;16(6):681-689

Pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali peer-rewieved

  • Pertile G, Mete M, Alfano A. Features involved in the healing process of macular holes. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017 Aug 1;135(8):833.834.
  • Mete M, Alfano A, Guerriero M, Prigione G, Sartore M, Polito A, Pertile G. Reply to Comment on: Inverted Internal Limiting Membrane Flap Technique Versus Complete Internal Limiting Membrane Removal In Myopic Macular Hole Surgery: A Comparative Study. Retina. 2018 May;38(5):e40-e41.
  • Pertile G, Mete M, Peroglio Deiro A, Guerriero M, Sartore M, Alfano A, Polito A. New Insights Into the Development and Progression of Geographic Atrophy After Full Thickness Autologous Choroidal Graft. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 Mar 20;59(4):AMD93-AMD103.
  • Mete M, Alfano A, Guerriero M, Prigione G, Sartore M, Polito A, Pertile G. Reply to letter to the editor. Retina. 2018 May;38(5):e40-e41.
  • Mete M, Maggio E, Alfano A, Pertile G. Letter to the editor relating to Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2018 May; 256(5): 863-877. “Macular buckle technique in myopic traction maculopathy: a 16-year review of the literature and a comparison with vitreous surgery”. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2019 Feb;257(2):429-430.
  • Barone F, Muscatello LV, Ventrella D, Elmi A, Romagnoli N, Mandrioli L, Maya-Vetencourt JF, Bombardi C, Mete M, Sarli G, Benfenati F, Pertile G, Bacci ML. The porcine iodoacetic acid model of retinal degeneration: Morpho-functional characterization of the visual system. Exp Eye Res. 2020 Feb 19;193:107979.
  • Mete M, Alfano A, Maggio E, Guerriero M, Pertile G. Inverted ILM Flap for the Treatment of Myopic Macular Holes: Healing Processes and Morphological Changes in Comparison with Complete ILM Removal. J Ophthalmol. 2019 Jun 2;2019:1314989. doi: 10.1155/2019/1314989. eCollection 2019.
  • Maggio E, Peroglio Deiro A, Mete M, Sartore M, Polito A, Prigione G, Guerriero M, Pertile G. Intravitreal Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator and Sulphur Hexafluoride Gas for Submacular Haemorrhage Displacement in Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Looking behind the Blood. Ophthalmologica. 2020;243(3):224-235. doi: 10.1159/000505752. Epub 2020 Jan 7.PMID: 31905361.
  • Bottoni F, Parrulli S, Mete M, D’Agostino I, Cereda M, Cigada M, Maggio E, Maraone G, Iacovello D, Bottega E, Staurenghi G, Pertile G. Large Idiopathic Macular Hole Surgery: Remodelling of Outer Retinal Layers after Traditional Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling or Inverted Flap Technique. Ophthalmologica. 2020;243(5):334-341. doi: 10.1159/000505926. Epub 2020 Jan 15.PMID: 31940651
  • Barone F, Muscatello LV, Ventrella D, Elmi A, Romagnoli N, Mandrioli L, Maya-Vetencourt JF, Bombardi C, Mete M, Sarli G, Benfenati F, Pertile G, Bacci ML. The porcine iodoacetic acid model of retinal degeneration: Morpho-functional characterization of the visual system. Exp Eye Res. 2020 Apr;193:107979. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2020.107979. Epub 2020 Feb 19.PMID: 32087230
  • Maggio E, Mete M, Maraone G, Arena F, Pertile G. Scleral thinning surgery for bullous retinal detachment with retinal pigment epithelial tear in central serous chorioretinopathy: a case report. BMC Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr 6;20(1):133. doi: 10.1186/s12886-020-01409-w.
  • Maggio E, Mete M, Maraone G, Attanasio M, Guerriero M, Pertile G. Intravitreal Injections for Macular Edema Secondary to Retinal Vein Occlusion: Long-Term Functional and Anatomic Outcomes. J Ophthalmol. 2020 Feb 13;2020:7817542. doi: 10.1155/2020/7817542. eCollection 2020.
  • Maggio E, Mete M, Maraone G, Arena F, Pertile G. Scleral thinning surgery for bullous retinal detachment with retinal pigment epithelial tear in central serous chorioretinopathy: a case report. BMC Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr 6;20(1):133. doi: 10.1186/s12886-020-01409-w.PMID: 32252699.
  • Maya-Vetencourt JF, Manfredi G, Mete M, Colombo E, Bramini M, Di Marco S, Shmal D, Mantero G, Dipalo M, Rocchi A, DiFrancesco ML, Papaleo ED, Russo A, Barsotti J, Eleftheriou C, Di Maria F, Cossu V, Piazza F, Emionite L, Ticconi F, Marini C, Sambuceti G, Pertile G, Lanzani G, Benfenati F. Subretinally injected semiconducting polymer nanoparticles rescue vision in a rat model of retinal dystrophy. Nat Nanotechnol. 2020 Aug;15(8):698-708. doi: 10.1038/s41565-020-0696-3. Epub 2020 Jun 29.PMID: 32601447.
  • Maggio E, Mete M, Polito A, Parrozzani G, Pertile G. Retrobulbar triamcinolone for inflammatory choroidal neovascularization in pregnancy. BMC Ophthalmol. 2020 Dec 9;20(1):483. doi: 10.1186/s12886-020-01759-5.

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